A dad-to-be was killed this weekend in what appears to be the latest instance of gender reveal explosives gone wrong. Christopher Pekny, a 28-year-old Upstate New York man, was working on building an explosive device for an upcoming party for his baby when the incident happened.
Pekny was tinkering with the pipe-like explosive in a garage with his younger brother, Michael Pekny, when it unexpectedly went off. Pekny’s older brother Peter, who was not present at the time, called the explosion, “the freakiest of freak accidents that I could ever imagine,” according to the New York Times.
The middle Pekny brother was taken to a Middletown hospital where he remains in stable condition. Although the extent of his injuries weren’t revealed, his brother said that doctors were successful in rebuilding his knee.
While both brothers were both reported to be very mechanically inclined, we have to wonder why people keep insisting on using explosive devices near pregnant people. Earlier this month a guest at a Gaines Township, Michigan, baby shower was killed after being hit by shrapnel from a cannon.
And lets not forget the wildfires that were set off in both 2020 and 2018 by couples blowing stuff up to reveal the genitalia of their babies. Listen, we love theatrics and a reason to celebrate as much as the next person, but can we please leave the explosives and pyrotechnics to the pros from now on? Also, aren’t we still in a pandemic that has killed half a million people? When people are live streaming funerals, these over-the-top celebrations should probably be put on hold.
Although the exact cause of the explosion that killed Pekny and wounded his brother is still under investigation, the tragedy remains. His oldest brother remembered him fondly to reporters earlier this week and described him as a hard-headed football player who once cracked another player’s helmet in half. The Pekny family owns a popular diner in Livingston Manor which has posted that it will remain closed for the “immediate future.”
Pekny had found out that he and his girlfriend were expecting in December, the baby boy would’ve been the first for the couple.
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