Chrissy Teigen is apparently friends with royal mom Meghan Markle, much to our delight. When Teigen spoke on Watch What Happens Live on Tuesday night, she shared the details of how the duchess reportedly reached out to the Cravings author to offer comfort and support after her 20-week pregnancy loss.
“She’s been so kind to me ever since we connected,” Teigen told host Andy Cohen. “She had written me about baby Jack and loss, but, yeah, she is really wonderful and so kind, and just as kind as everyone says she is.”
Last October, Teigen went to the hospital because she was experiencing bleeding due to a partial placenta abruption, which ultimately caused her to deliver her son Jack stillborn.
Teigen wrote a heartbreaking essay about the experience on Medium, in which she shared the intimate and painful details of her loss. She explained how she had to have an epidural and be induced at just 20 weeks. “He just wouldn’t survive this, and if it went on any longer, I might not either,” she wrote.
At the end of her post, Teigen wrote about the outpouring of kindness she’s experienced since sharing photos from the hospital. “I went to a store where the checkout lady quietly added flowers to my cart,” she wrote, adding that sometimes people will approach her with a note. “The worst part is knowing there are so many women that won’t get these quiet moments of joy from strangers. I beg you to please share your stories and to please be kind to those pouring their hearts out.”
Markle may have taken those words to heart, because the following month she shared her own story of loss in the opinion section of The New York Times.
“Losing a child means carrying an almost unbearable grief, experienced by many but talked about by few,” the Duchess wrote of her miscarriage earlier in 2020. “In the pain of our loss, my husband and I discovered that in a room of 100 women, 10 to 20 of them will have suffered from miscarriage. Yet despite the staggering commonality of this pain, the conversation remains taboo, riddled with (unwarranted) shame, and perpetuating a cycle of solitary mourning.”
On Tuesday’s show, Teigen also spoke to Cohen about the “raw deal” she felt Markle was getting in the media. “That’s why you look at everything and you’re like, ‘My god, what is absolutely wrong with people where they have to make this person out to be so malicious or so crazy?’ — when it’s just as simple as them being as kind as everybody says they are,” she said. “She’s a really wonderful person.”
We’re glad these two moms have been able to connect, and hopefully find support, after having shared such a heartbreaking experience. Plus, we can only imagine what a post-pandemic mom’s night out would be like with these two (as in, someone please invite us to this post-pandemic mom’s night out).
These other famous parents have been open about suffering miscarriages.
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