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Wife Wants Husband To Celebrate Mother’s Day With Her Because She’s a Cat Mom — Is She Right?

Reddit is weighing in on a tricky fight between a husband and his wife. The husband took to AITA‘s forum to share details of an argument that sprung up because he didn’t celebrate her on mother’s day.

“My wife and I don’t have kids and she has never even been pregnant,” he wrote. “Last summer we adopted a kitten. He’s great. My wife came to me last night and said she was disappointed that I didn’t get her anything or take her out for Mother’s Day.”

The Reddit user was confused. He hadn’t considered doing anything because he didn’t think of her as a mother. His wife disagreed. “She said she’s basically a mother because we have a cat and she takes care of him (we both do, he’s a cat it takes like 5 min per day to do everything for him),” he explained. “I admit that I started laughing because I thought she was joking.” She wasn’t joking and her husband pleaded his side, explaining that he felt being a mom meant being parent to a human child.

His wife is still mad and now he’s wondering, is he the a**hole?

Many people weighed in to say that they didn’t think he was in the wrong here. “Yep I consider myself an absolute pet mom…got a dog, cat, and snake,” one person wrote. “Love them to bits and would die for them. Still don’t think I should be celebrated on mother’s day lmao. Honestly I’d be weirded out if my bf got me a mother’s day card considering we’re both childfree and I would take it as some sort of hint that he suddenly wants kids.”

Others suggested that it would have been helpful for his wife to give him a heads up that it was important that they celebrate this day together.

“It would be another thing entirely if she’d said ‘hey babe, I know we don’t have kids, but I do consider myself a cat mom, could we do something special for mother’s day?’ and then they could’ve had an adult conversation about whether that would be reasonable or appropriate,” a user wrote. “I don’t like it when people just expect things like this and then get upset when it doesn’t happen.”

Another offered a helpful suggestion for the original poster: “For future reference, there is actually a National Pet Parents Day that is the last Sunday of April.”

Lots of people celebrate special figures in their lives who aren’t their biological mothers on mother’s day. If you’re a motherly figure to anyone, you deserve that celebration! However, when it comes to less expected relationships, like a pet owner and a pet, it’s could always helpful to have a conversation and express what you’re hoping for ahead of time.

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