A summer vacation is no longer in the cards for Mindy Kaling and her two kids, Katherine, 4, and Spencer, 1, this year. The actor and showrunner spoke with Today at an LA event sponsored by Zelle, where she shared a hilarious story about a recent airplane trip – and any parents with kids under 5 can definitely relate!
Flying with “a one and a half year old for six hours on a plane” had been “a lot,” according to The Office star, who recently took her kids to the East Coast to visit family.
“I was like, ‘I’m not doing this again. My son will not see outside of the greater Los Angeles area for about three more years,'” she added. She also told Today that she is planning on staying home in Malibu and just going to the beach this summer instead of traveling, which, honestly, is so relatable! Why go through the hassle of packing your kids on a plane when the beach is right there anyway?
Especially when your kids are unafraid around strangers.
“He’s not unhappy a lot of the time, but he will come up to you — like, if you’re on a plane, he’ll come up and put his finger in your soup,” she said about her “very social” son Spencer. “He doesn’t have boundaries. But he’s cute and he’s friendly. But that’s a lot for six hours on a plane.”
It’s extra challenging when he won’t sleep on the plane or watch videos on the iPad either. “He just wants a lot of interactions. Exhausting,” she said.
Luckily, she doesn’t have that problem with her daughter, who apparently loves watching her iPad! “I will say it’s funny with the iPads because I think there’s like a public persona where you’re like, ‘They get 15 minutes of a TV a day, I try not to keep them on screens,’” she said in the panel. “And then there’s the version of me at home where my daughter is watching six movies in a row on day six of eating sour straws. But don’t tell anyone that’s how I raise my children!”
In an interview with People in April 2022, The Morning Show actress revealed her favorite time of day is right after dinner. “There’s this time in the early evening before my children have become demons, just after dinner that I think is really happy. Because they’re full of food and have a lot of energy, but they’re not overtired for the day.”
Kaling is all of us when it comes to raising little kids. Moms need a break, and vacations are not it when toddlers are involved!
These celebrity moms make us all feel better when they share the highs and lows of parenting.
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