Most of what comes out of a toddler’s mouth can be nonsensical (or, their favorite word: “No!”). But every once in a while, a toddler is wise beyond their years. They are able to say something simultaneously so simple and so right that it shakes us right to our very core. Some moms took to Reddit to share some of the “tiny motivations” from their toddlers that totally rocked their world, and they are worth remembering the next time your to-do list feels all too daunting.
“When my [18-month-old] wants to do something he struggles with (like putting the shapes in the right holes) he stares it down, shouts ‘do it!’ And then tries again. I’ve been applying that wisdom to things I suck at or don’t want to do. It’s actually quite motivating,” shared one Redditor, asking for other moms to share the nuggets of wisdom their toddlers unwittingly bestowed upon them.
“My son came home from school one day saying, ‘We do our best.’ He was 2 at the time and I was super pregnant, so those little words kept me going. Now it’s something that I say to the kids and myself pretty often,” revealed one mom.
“My son always says, ‘uh oh, try again!’ whenever he falls down or a toy isn’t doing what he wants,” shared another. “He’s so patient with himself and it’s adorable.” Seriously, this is something any adult can learn from. A simple reframing of a situation can do a world of good.
“My fav thing my toddler does is yell ‘No thank you!!’ as loud as she can when someone does something she doesn’t like,” wrote one mom. See? Reframing what could be a tiny toddler temper tantrum into an empowering way of drawing boundaries has already made us much wiser.
“Mine claps when I do/find something. He does it for himself too. It’s so cute. It’s like having an approving audience everywhere you go,” added the original poster. “Sometimes it feels sarcastic. I misbuttoned his jammies tonight and after I fixed it he clapped for me, expressionless. Like ok sassy boy go to sleep,” OP added. What? Not all motivation has to be all lovely dovey! Sometimes it takes a little sass.
Self-approval seemed like the biggest takeaway most moms took from their toddlers. “My 2-year-old says, ‘Good job [her name]!’ so proudly when she finishes putting toys away, makes a pretend hamburger, finishes any mundane task,” another motivated mom shared. Anyone else going to start congratulating themselves every time they move the laundry from the washer to the dryer and for every other little task around the house?
Sure, toddlers might go through the terrible twos and make every parent question their sanity at some point, but those tykes can be pretty darn smart, too.
Before you go, check out these wild stories about Reddit’s most horrific mother-in-laws.
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