Baby showers are practically begging for drama. There are the overbearing grandparents who want to make the day about them. Sometimes quite literally! Because yes, we did see a mother-in-law on Reddit throw herself her. own. shower. There are the cutesy (and sometimes controversial) themes that must be met to a tee. There are the divisive registry choices. And there are the moms-to-be who are sometimes begging to get away from it all. (We don’t blame ’em!)
Recently on the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subreddit, a presumed guest-to-be came to air out her not-exactly-dirty laundry. You see, this woman had an “exorbitant amount” of clean baby clothes from when her daughter was a baby that she no longer needed.
So when she learned that her brother-in-law was having a baby, she was excited — and had said for months that she would give them all the cute baby clothes and extra baby items they had stored away. (Can we just say how much we love this?! Sustainable gifting for the win!)
“Every time, [I was] met with excitement from BIL’s fiancé as well as BIL,” the woman who originally posted (the “OP”) said.
Plot Twist
Turns out OP isn’t invited to the baby shower! Her BIL’s baby shower! Where she was planning to give the gifts she’s been talking about forever!
“Which is fine in and of itself as I probably wasn’t going to go anyways due to my own mental health (I have a hard time with crowded places) and just get them a nice gift and the stored clothing,” OP said. “The problem arises when they didn’t have an adult conversation with me and just uninvited me VIA my husband over text.”
WIBTA if I donated promised baby clothes.
byu/Bigloljoke inAmItheAsshole
Un-invited? What?! “They just plainly texted my husband the invite link and specified to not bring me, because they just don’t want me there,” OP explained in the comments.
But this went beyond that. They also “expressed their dislike for her” in the texts even though they “never gave an inkling” that that was the case.
Now What?!
OP is feeling like gifting these clothes is no longer the “right thing to do.” Her feelings are hurt, so she might just donate them all instead. Regardless, both she and her husband are upset and neither are going to the party. (Psst: We love to see a husband standing in solidarity with his wife!)
“I feel like I’ve been ‘strung along’ into giving these things to them when they’ve known they would not be inviting me, and were not fans of me this entire time,” OP said.
And so now she’s wondering, “[Would I be the a—hole] if I donated promised baby clothes?”
Reddit’s Reaction
Um, excuuuuuse me?! Reddit is so floored by this BIL and [almost] SIL. The audacity to uninvite OP over text? And via her husband?! NOPE. Reddit does not have time for that. We get that guest lists are a contentious topic, but who does that?
And why? OP likely left out some crucial details about why there’s bad blood. And though so many Redditors are dying for that information, they are ultimately working with what they’ve been given when lending advice.
While some are quick to say two [petty] wrongs don’t make a right, others say OP should stand her ground.
“I probably wouldn’t give them anything because that’s a huge slap in the face.”
“To go out of their way to TEXT, not even call or say it to your face…no. That is not the attitude of someone who is grateful and thankful … These people are talking sh*t. So they don’t get sh*t.”
“Give the clothes to Goodwill. Or at least the best pieces. Your BIL/SIL can get the ones where the stain just didn’t quite wash out, or whatever. If they get mad, what are they gonna do? Not invite you to their baby shower? Oh, too late!”
Before you go, check out some of Reddit’s most ridiculous grown children.
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