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A Wildly Hypocritical Stepmom Asked Her Stepson to ‘Hide His Disability’ & Reddit Is Going Berserk

We hate the evil stepmom trope, but time and time again, we see parents on Reddit who put Cinderella’s wicked stepmom to shame. A woman joined the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subreddit to find out if she was in the wrong for asking her stepson to “hide his disability,” and yes, alarm bells should be going off.

This stepmom who originally posted (the “OP”) has a 5-year-old son “Mike” with her husband and two stepsons, including 17-year-old “Milo.”

Milo’s Accident

Two years ago, Milo was in an accident and had to have one of his eyes removed. He apparently “refuses” to wear a fake eye or eye patch, and since his eye doesn’t fully close, it “creates the illusion that he is constantly staring/watching us.”

“Please don’t get me wrong,” OP said. “I feel bad for Milo because of his disability and I have been nothing but accommodating to his needs. However it is quite an unsettling sight.”

AITA for asking a disabled child to hide his disability?
byu/DismalReference755 inAmItheAsshole

OP said Milo’s disability has been “a problem” for Mike who “often gets scared.” “Mike is a very nervous and sensitive child, he is suspected to be on the spectrum,” OP continued.

OP talked to her husband after Mike had a “meltdown,” thinking Milo was staring at him. Her husband, Milo’s biological dad, then told the teen his half-brother is scared and that he should cover his missing eye.

Milo was “very upset” by this (understandable!) and “complained” to his mom. Apparently, she stood with her ex and told Milo to “stop being difficult on purpose and trying to drive a wedge inside the family.”

At this point, everyone in this poor boy’s family is telling him to cover up. Can you imagine?! He only found an ally when he turned to his older brother, who OP said “screamed” at his dad, saying they are “failing Milo.” (And we’re inclined to agree.)

“We tried to explain that Mike is afraid of Milo and he is very sensitive, he has nightmares about Milo watching him in the sleep,” OP said. “He [and Milo] called us both a—holes.”

“I now feel bad for upsetting Milo and for creating drama between my husband and his oldest son,” OP said, before giving the floor to Redditors.

Reddit’s Reaction

Redditors are absolutely fuming, unanimously deciding that this stepmom and Milo’s biological parents are total a—holes.

“Mike feeling uncomfortable about Milo’s disability is Mike’s problem, not Milo’s,” said the top comment with nearly 11 thousand upvotes. “Milo does not need to hide his disability to coddle other peoples’ feelings. He should not have to feel ashamed of it … What kind of lesson are you teaching Mike … ‘If someone’s appearance makes you uncomfortable then you are entitled to demand that they change it to please you?'”

People want to know what will happen down the line if Mike meets someone with an amputated limb or a burn victim. Will OP say, “Um, can you just cover up your body the way it exists in the world, a world that’s already harder for you, because my son is scared of the way you look?”

“What a way to miss out on a great teachable moment and shame your poor stepson instead,” one person said.

Also, can we take a second to talk about OP mentioning that Mike might have Autism Spectrum Disorder? It’s so hypocritical (and, frankly, f*cked up) for her to insist on accommodating one son’s supposed disability while asking the other to hide his. Milo could not want to cover his eye for any number of reasons, but because Mike may be on the spectrum and is “sensitive,” Milo has to change?

Perhaps OP is projecting and doesn’t think Mike can’t understand what’s happening. But Redditors are calling BS.

“My little guy LOUDLY asked about a man in a wheelchair,” one Redditor said, to which others wondered why it is that kids are loudest when asking prying questions. “I explained that he used the wheelchair the way we use our legs, and that maybe he couldn’t walk, or had trouble, or got tired easily, but that his chair was a way to give him movement just like we have. He got it. Kids are so smart.”

It’s time to have a conversation with Mike. Not with Milo.

Before you go, check out some of Reddit’s most wicked step-parent stories.

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