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A Pregnant Woman on Reddit Is Mad Her Family Didn’t Get Her Fetus an Easter Basket & OMG Grow Up

I don’t know about you, but my eyes are already tired from the eye rolls. Because, yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. A woman posted on the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subreddit to vent about her sister-in-law.

This woman who originally posted (the “OP”) explained that she bought Easter baskets for her nieces and nephews on her husband’s side. It was keeping with tradition, but it was also incredibly thoughtful and generous because — friendly reminder — no one, no matter their relation, is required to buy anyone any kind of gift … ever.

Ever. K?

The Problem

It has “come to OP’s attention” that she should have bought an Easter basket for her pregnant sister-in-law.

“She hasn’t had her baby yet, but sarcastically remarked that I don’t care about her unborn child since I didn’t get them an Easter basket,” OP said.

And now OP is left wondering, was she supposed to get an Easter basket for a fetus? “Am I the a—hole for not doing so since baby is still mama’s belly?!”

Reddit’s Reaction

Redditors are busy rolling their eyes too. Seriously, lady? You’re upset because your unborn child wasn’t included in the festivities? Grow up! If she can’t handle her kid being left out now, she’s in for a rude awakening when her kid goes to school and doesn’t get invited to every birthday party.

Godspeed to those unsuspecting parents!

Oh, and were other family members expected to get baskets for this baby on the way? Either the SIL had made it clear that they should, or they’d encountered her pettiness before — because OP said, “Everyone else got her something so she remarked that I was the only one who didn’t think of her baby …”

Redditors agreed that either this SIL is a bully, wanted attention, or wanted a basket for herself. And sure, unborn babies get plenty of gifts at baby showers and the like, but an Easter basket? That’s generally filled with chocolate, toys, or little trinkets that align with the child’s interests. Redditors had the best time brainstorming the unborn baby’s current interests.

Predigested nutrients. Umbilical cords. Swimming in their pee. And, of course, “the nebulous garbled sounds in an enclosure so maybe horror movies in space.”

“And what were you supposed to do if you had gotten the unborn child a basket?” one Redditor asked. “Tell prego mom, ‘OK, now lie down & spread your legs so I can hand the basket to the little bugger?'”

Another pointed out that the basket will have to include a speculum if the fetus is expected to get their basket on time.

So no, OP, you’re not the a—hole. As Redditors said, this is “yet another story of a pregnant woman thinking that her pregnancy makes her the center of the universe.”

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