Living with family is hardly ever easy. And if there are struggles in the “typical” scenarios — with parents raising kids in the parents’ home, then you can imagine how messy “abnormal” situations can get. Recently, a 20-year-old joined the “Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subreddit to talk about their living situation.
The person who originally posted (the “OP” in Reddit lingo) owns an apartment that they live in. After their parents lost their jobs last year, this person offered for them to stay in the apartment — sleeping on the floor of the main room/kitchen — until they found work.
A typical night for the family of three includes them eating dinner, socializing for a couple of hours, and then OP heading to their room. Their parents go to sleep between 10:30-and 10:45, and OP usually stays up until a little after midnight.
“My dad keeps complaining about how my TV is too loud, even though it’s at 15 volume,” OP said. “I thought this was rather odd, but I complied with him and turned it down to about 5.”
Dad insisted it was still too loud, and things only got worse from there.
What Next?
OP went to where their parents sleep to see if the TV really was too loud and said they only heard the “slightest of mumbling.” And so they kept things status quo.
“[My dad’s] bright idea was to unplug my router and not give it back, even in the morning, or after work,” OP wrote. “I told him, ‘It’s my house, and I bought that router and the WiFi here, you have no right to take it from me!'”
To which their dad said, “I am your father, I control this house!'”
HA! You have another thing coming, Dad.
OP’s Decision
As for OP’s mom, she was no help. She “made it worse” by defending her husband and “pushing” her child whenever they tried to take the router. This went on for around 3 days before OP finally decided to kick their parents out. They resisted, though, saying they still have “full authority over” OP.
“I called the cops on them and got them [for trespassing at] my apartment complex,” OP said.
“Over the past couple days they’ve been texting me about how selfish I am and how over-sensitive I am about everything. Is this true?”
Reddit’s Reaction
Reddit is applauding OP for how they handled an “all-round awful situation.”
“You were kind to take your parents in for so long,” said the top comment with 1.8 thousand upvotes. “Their insistence that they have the right to control you and your property is simply unacceptable … It’s unfortunate that it came to a breaking point … I don’t think you’re an a—hole for wanting to have autonomy and control in your own home. I do think it’s really sad that it all went down so horribly, but they really created that by behaving so poorly.”
As others said, it was “NOT OKAY” what these parents did, behaving like children and trying to control their adult child who was far from selfish. “Don’t let anyone guilt trip you into doing anything that you don’t want to do. Stay strong, you got this!”
Redditors agree that OP did exactly what they needed to do and didn’t take things too far. This is a total FAFO situation. “They overplayed their hand and lost,” one person said. “Their fault entirely.” And it may have “just” been WiFi today, but who knows what it would have been tomorrow. The red flags were flying and the power trip was out of control.
Before you go, check out some of Reddit’s most horrifying money disaster stories.
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