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Potty training and diaper disasters

What do you do when your little one won’t keep his or her diaper on? Moms who have been there share their tips and tricks.

The problem

“Claire has been taking her clothes and diapers off for a few months now. But, for the past three mornings in a row, I have walked into the room only to find her completely naked with pee all over her crib… and this morning she had pooped and it was all over her sheets.” – Jennifer

What other moms suggest

“Oh nooo! That’s awful, and so not fun to clean up. Thankfully the girls never did this, but I know other children who have. I think she might be young yet for the potty…and her wanting her clothes off doesn’t necessarily mean she is ready yet. I just think little kids love to be nekkid! I’ve heard that one solution is to put them into sleepers that zip (or snap) and put them on backwards. That way, they can’t reach behind them to undo it. Hope that helps! I hope you don’t have anymore accidents!” – Nady


“Catie has been doing the same thing. I don’t think Catie is ready for potty training — I think she doesn’t like the feel after the fact, but she doesn’t know when she needs to go before she goes. We’ve been putting a onesie on under her pj’s & it has worked for the last week. I know she will eventually figure it out, it is just buying time Our ped said to start potty training, but this is the only sign she is showing, I guess once she figures out the onsie I’ll buy a potty.” – Jennifer


“I can’t believe I’m gonna tell this but… I was the stripper in my house as a child. My mom had to resort to few methods that were, as she said, ‘Angi proof.’ The first one was duct tape around the diaper waist, then the one piece jammies on backwards and the zipper safety pinned to the jammies. This was my mom’s last resort with me as I liked to “paint” my surroundings with the contents of my diaper. After trying many things, these two are what stopped my best efforts.” – Baker


“Sinclair has been doing the same thing. Its so GROSS!!! She will have it(poop) in her hands and playing w/ it like its Playdough…YUCK!!! I’m potty training Sinclair so thats her excuse, but its still annoying. I would try the onesies idea then maybe she couldn’t get her diaper off!” – Sarah


“I have been going through that too…especially with Daniel. Nothing works — not even onesies. I am sure it’s a phase… I thought the jammies with the zipper on backwards was a great idea though!” – Jams

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