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10 Tips for an active family

Getting your couch potatoes out of the house doesn’t have to be so hard. Here are 10 easy family activity suggestions to get them motivated for some non-Nickelodeon fun!

family activity tip 1

Turn off the TV
It may seem like a no-brainer but humans tend to leave the talking box on just as background noise. Adults may be able to ignore it, but kids seem to be magnetically connected to the thing.

family activity tip 2

Be a tourist
Staycations are all the rage for penny-pinching families. Put a new twist on the trend and take your family out on the town… in your own town.

family activity tip 3

Open a window
Kids and adults won’t have any curiosity about the great outdoors if they can’t actually see it. So crack open the windows on a nice day to get them inspired.

family activity tip 4

Go on an adventure
Turn your backyard into an archeological dig or an obstacle course. It’s a great way to spark a child’s imagination and get them out of the house!

family activity tip 5

Make a play date
Get to know the kids in your child’s class and make a weekly family play-date. Each family can take turns picking the location – outside of the house, of course.

family activity tip 6

Give back
Plant a tree at your neighborhood park or collect canned food items for the homeless. Whatever you choose, your family will learn the value of giving and spend time off the couch.

family activity tip 7

Set an example
If kids see mom and dad spending more time on the couch than being active, they’ll do the same. Be conscious of your choices and make an effort to stay active yourself. Remember… monkey see, monkey do!

family activity tip 8

Ask them
Ask your kids what they’d like to do – you may be surprised at the answer. Kids have vast imaginations so they may just come up with a fun activity you’d never dream of.

family activity tip 9

Start a tradition
Pick a place outside of the house that is special for your family and make it “your” spot. Make monthly plans to hold special family activities there – card game at the local coffee shop, picnic at the park, whatever works for your clan.

family activity tip 10

Walk for a treat
Instead of driving to the toy store, walk if it’s within a reasonable distance. Or, walk to the grocery store where each kid can pick out one treat.


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