What if you’ve got the separation anxiety?
Kids aren’t the only ones who suffer from separation anxiety. Sometimes moms get it too. “It’s going into week four and I still require my husband to go along with us on school mornings for fear I
will be an emotional mess and he’ll have to take her inside. (no I’m not joking) I’m almost ashamed to admit it…but seriously, I have no idea how to make effective use of my time without my
sidekick,” admits Ina S., a designer and co-founder of M641 Clothing. She says the panic and irrational thoughts that come with separation anxiety can be a bit much for her sometimes.
For moms, losing that little regular presence around the house can be downright sad. But don’t let the unnerving quiet get to you. Instead, focus on getting things done (work, housework, etc) and
before you know it, it will be pick up time.
Ina says that for her, progress is coming … albeit slowly. In the meantime, she’s going to the other moms across from the school playground to watch recess …
Click here for more tips on easing your own separation anxiety.
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