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Monday Mom challenge: Get a fabulous hair style

How did it get to be November already? Where did the fall go? And summer and spring for that matter? Things are moving way, way too fast for comfort. The holidays are almost upon us. Yeah, you heard me. Holidays. Imminent.

With the impending holiday season, the already stretched thin mom gets stretched even thinner. There is just so much to do. Dinners and gifts and decorating and who knows what else. There’s
precious little time in there to take a breath, much less take a whole afternoon off for a little pampering. So why not get that little bit of pampering now?

The calm before the storm

Before you dive into the crazy fun of the season, find an afternoon to get a rockin’ hair style. Now is the time to get a great cut, maybe some highlights, or other treatment.

Sitting in your stylists chair is your opportunity to regroup a bit. If you’re lucky enough to have a stylist you really trust, there’s nothing like sitting down in the chair, saying, “Just make me
look good,” knowing when you stand up, you really will.

Check out ourtips on finding a hair style that will make you look thinner.

Time for change? Or not.

Just before the excitement and activity of the holidays may or may not be the time to go for a whole new look. Only you know your own threshold for that kind of change. But if you do think you are
ready for a change, why not go for something spectacular? Okay, somewhat practical, too – but spectacular.

Getting a good haircut and style may seem like an indulgence – and maybe it is – but it can be so worth it. You won’t just look great for the holidays because of the great way your hair looks –
you’ll look great because of the ego boost a great hair style gives you. Yeah, your highlights and lowlights may be quite flattering, but the real confidence will be coming from within.

For more of our Monday Mom series

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