Tempting as it may be, avoid loading up baby’s closet with adorable outfits. Ultimately, you want to keep baby comfortable, have access to dirty diapers, and easily change out stained garments. Consider practical clothing such as onesies, pants to match, gowns for nighttime changes, and footed outfits (socks fall off). Hats, snowsuits, and outdoor gear vary by season and climate. Shoes aren’t necessary until baby begins walking. Don’t buy too many items in newborn sizes. Your little one will outgrow them before you know it.
>> Newborn baby clothes: Buying the first layette
You’ll want your newborn close to you, but sometimes you need your hands to be free. Bouncy seats and pods work, but many are considered unsafe. The Boppy Newborn Lounger is safe and snuggly, and keeps baby propped up when you’re unable to hold her.
Bottom line
As you prepare for baby’s arrival, don’t overlook the day-to-day items you’ll need every day.
More baby essentials
- Top 10 – Baby gear must-haves for spring
- Tips for buying baby clothes and gear online
- Save more money on baby gear | Pregnancy & Baby Blog
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