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7 Ways to save money on groceries, kids clothes and more

Save money on hair care

The New York Times reported that sales of at-home hair products were up 20 percent in 2009. Cutting and coloring hair at home is less expensive than visiting a salon, but not everyone is brave
enough to do it.

Leah Ingram, author of Suddenly Frugal: How to Live Happier and Healthier for Less, suggests visiting a beauty school where “you can get your hair cut, colored and styled for less
than $20!”

Save money on crafts

Doing crafts with kids “is inexpensive and builds creativity” says Sandy Sandler, founder of Crafters4Kids. Sandler’s non-profit website,, offers great arts and crafts
projects for under $5!

Shay Olivarria, author of Money Matters: The Get It Done in 1 Minute Workbook, suggests visiting Lowes and Home Dept stores on weekend for kids’ workshops. “They’re free,
kids walk away with a project they made, and you spend quality time together that requires no cleanup!” says Olivarria.

Save money on electricity

Nic Soto enlists a houseful of kids to saves money (and the planet) by getting them into the habit of turning off lights they’re not using, limiting TV and computer time, and using less
water. “It takes a few reminders,” says Soto, “but really helps decrease your electric bill.”

Jason Raddenbach makes the kids even more responsible with the Kill-a-watt meter he checked out from his local library. “Plug it into your appliances and meter the cost per day to use
them.” When you have the kids figure out the monthly costs, says Raddenbach, it helps them see that there is a cost for leaving things on.

The Bottom Line

With these simple tips, your family can save a pile of money without having to make major lifestyle changes.

More tips on managing family finances:

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