The word “advent” may be more closely associated with the holiday season and preparing for Christmas, but the word means “arrival.” And as we await the arrival of spring, why not create your own spring advent calendar and countdown the days to the new season with a lot of fun and kid friendly activities?
Creating a spring advent calendar can be a unique way to prepare for the coming season. Rather than receiving small gifts each day, as is common for December advent calendars, a spring advent
calendar is about doing – so that you and your family are ready to take the most advantage of the season when it does arrive.
Any calendar will do
You don’t need a special calendar to create a spring advent calendar for yourself. Any one will do – and you can start on any day you choose. Find March 20 on your calendar, whether paper or
online, and count back to today. Write numbers backward from March 20 and you’ll know every single day how many days it is until spring.
Establish themes and small tasks
Establish themes for days of the week. Sundays can be garden day, for example, so each Sunday you think about your garden and/or do something so it’s ready to go as soon as the ground can be
worked: start seeds indoors or talk about the different kinds of vegetables each family member likes. Get tips here for getting
kids involved with planning your garden.
Wednesdays can be spring clothing unpacking day for each family member; dig out the spring clothes and go through them, having your kids try on old favorites, giving away what has been outgrown,
and washing what needs to be washed. Get more ideas for spring cleaning and organizing here.
Friday can be the day you think about spring menus; ask your kids what kind of foods they think will be good to mark the new season. For each theme for a day of the week, fill in a short, doable
task that will help you be ready for the new season. Try some of these yummy spring recipes.
Have a celebration
When you reach your goal – the first day of spring – celebrate! Whether it’s a tea party with your daughters, coffee or cocktails with girlfriends, or a night out with your sweetie, mark the spring
equinox with style. You did more than simply make it to spring this year; you made it well-prepared!
Something to look forward to
Creating a spring countdown is a fun way to mark the days to a wonderful season – and ensure you and your family are ready for that season. It gives each day a small, forward-thinking focus, and
it’s a great way to beat the winter blahs.
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