Community organizations, schools, churches and some businesses all tend to offer activities for kids during spring break. They are a great way to keep the kids occupied for a few hours at a time – and if you work outside the home, they may be very necessary for your schedule. But some organizations offer something really special: parent and child classes.
In a week out of the ordinary, finding ways to not just keep your kids from getting bored but also build your relationship is a special thing. You both have fun and you both learn something. From education to practical to physical to purely for fun, finding a parent-child class (or two) for spring break can be very much worth the effort.
“Teaser” classes
Some organizations that offer longer summer programs for kids will offer “teaser” classes during spring break. This is an opportunity to learn more about the organization and maybe decide you want to sign up your child for something more during the summer. Science, nature, and outdoor organizations are the place to look for these classes. You may find a great bird watching class at the local Audubon society, or a marine biology and tidepool exploration class at a maritime organization. Natural science centers and/or museums are another place to look.
Getting physical
Gyms and athletic clubs are the place to look for classes as well – but look beyond the “usual” gym. What about a climbing gym to find classes on indoor climbing? Or a local yoga studio? Or a local pool where you can both work on your strokes.
Find out here how yoga actually makes kids smarter!
Local recreation departments may also offer some parent-child skill development days – or even a small tournament.
Find out here how an andrenaline rush with your teen can make for a great bonding experience.
Just for fun
Some classes and activities for parents and kids during spring break are just for fun. Cake decorating and crafting of all kinds, gardening, and cooking are all great types of classes to look for, whether they are offered by a local retailer – or even the local library.
No matter what you choose, a class (or two) is a great way to break up the days of spring break. Have more fun together this spring break, and do more together.
More Spring Break activities for kids:
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