Etsy is a huge community of sellers from all over the world. Each “store” offers creative handmade items you’re unlikely to see anywhere else. Etsy’s mission is “to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers.” Think of it as a modern-day virtual craft sale — but better!
Sorting through the tens of thousands of Etsy stores can be a little daunting, which is where we come in. Check out the following great options, which are chock full of unique gifts, interesting decor, cool jewelry and clothes for both mom and the kids.
Etsy sites moms love
1. RMichelle: RMichelle offers modern and vintage-inspired handmade jewelry. The pieces are eco- and wallet-friendly — nothing in the store is over $50.
2. Babmu Earth: If you’re looking for natural handmade bath and beauty products, you’ll find them here. You can purchase any of these delicious items and feel confident that they are free of synthetic fragrances, dyes and colorants.
3. Dos Besitos: Gail is an adoptive mom who uses her talents to fill a need for meaningful handcrafted adoption-related gifts in various languages. As of May 2010, you can save 15 percent on all orders over $75, so don’t miss out.
4. Solohandmade: An American artist living in the Netherlands, this site owner uses her talent to create items including pillowcases, camera straps and scarves. You’ll find a little bit of everything, all beautiful and distinct.
5. Fine Wingdings: This Washington-based artist draws her inspiration from the beauty that surrounds her life and her home. She translates this into amazing handmade pieces of jewelry that are as original as they are eye catching.
6. L&L Candles and Gifts: If candles are your thing, this is a great place to find them. Made of a soy wax blend and available in many different scents, all candles are ivory in color unless you specifically request otherwise.
7. Crazy4Cards: There’s no shortage of fun handmade cards in this shop. You’ll find one for any occasion. Definitely take a look if you’d like to purchase a card that you won’t find at your local drug store.
8. Nicole Lorentz Deign: Nicole creates beautiful, original handcrafted jewelry with the finest precious metals and stones. You’ll find distinctive necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings. She’s offering a great Spring 2010 sale you can’t pass up. You’ll save 40 percent on everything in the store!
9. Mod Dot Textiles: What woman can’t use a cute, affordable clutch? The sky’s the limit when it comes to fabric choices in this store — there are literally hundreds from which to make your selection. You might find that one is just not enough.
10. Route 4 Glass: There are so many pretty hand blown glass pieces in this shop that you might have a hard time deciding what you “need!” The ring holders are particularly sweet, but do check out the variety here, from bird feeders to vases. You’re sure to find something to add to your décor.
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