The following posts and pictures are from Jennifer’s blog,
Our first family picture
All I remember is that they called out her name and I went right up and took her, bawling, of course. Oh yeah, me! not her! I don’t even remember where Kevin was –I know he went up with me, but I just reached for her without even thinking. She just looked at me, and here I was weeping. She never cried.
Daddy and Myah
I can’t believe how tiny she is! We were able to convert and figure out some directions off of her Nestle powdered milk package via flashlight in the wee hours of the morning; that way, as soon as she woke up this morning, we already had the thermos of tap water boiled and set the bottle in it to warm up as well. She drank it like a champ! Whew! I think we finally got something right.
What a sweetie, she doesn’t even complain! Anyway, she was only up for about an hour–was real happy, played with her toys–and then the eye-rubbing started again. I jumped in the shower while Kevin got her back to sleep. I wish you guys could see him with her! It melts my heart! And she is just so breath-taking!
After lunch, we all went to the Carrefour Mall for supplies. LOTS of curious Chinese people, and a few ‘thumbs up’ from them! Little miss Myah slept during the whole 1.5 hr long shopping trip in the baby bjorn.
At one point, she was just looking up into my eyes, resting her head on my chest and my tears were running down my cheeks. She is a treasure, and she is ours! We are blessed beyond measure, and we give all the glory to God!
Mommy & Myah
It is so fascinating to watch Myah taking things in. She’s so calm. again, lots of honking cars zooming by, she never jumps or acts scared. By the way, normally she’d have had a nap by now– she’s been up since seven-no nap, just went thru a chaotic med exam and she’s as content as can be!
We are blessed, I tell ya!
Leaving the village
Big day for these two! Myah’s sleeping, but I think Kev’s praying that we don’t have to go to another chinese dinner. But we did anyway! Wow! Eating out with a little one is a lot of work! I think about 3 different things were spilled at our table alone!
I hope we took enuough pix and video for miss Myah, since that village was so similar to where she spent the first part of her life. Anything we video/get pix of here is all she has as her ‘story.’ I hate that part of it the most, for her! But I rest knowing that adoption is our Father’s plan.
The Gordon family today
The happy family! Myah has just turned 5, and Jennifer has since given birth to sons Eli, 2, and Ethan,1. Myah is a great big sister!
Special thanks to the Gordon family for sharing their story with us!
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