Baby name Quiz results
Mostly As: UNIQUE
You are special, and the last place you’ll look for a baby name is the current “Most Popular” list. Your little one is unique and special like you and his/her name should reflect that. Your kid won’t be one of a dozen Emilys on the block. Create your own name, reverse a name (Nevaeh instead of Heaven) or make it unique with an unusual spelling (Eric would become Eryk).
- 15 Ways to Find a Uniquely Cool Baby Name
- Unique Baby Names and Meanings
- How to Make a Baby Name Unique
- Unisex Baby Names
Mostly Bs: TRENDY
You’re a pop-culture expert who’s always up on the latest news and fashions. You’re friends look to you for what’s contemporary and trendy. Giving your baby a trendy name is fabulous way to document the his/her birth year. Look for names in the news (Knox and Vivienne, anyone?), in the movies (Bella and Alice ring a bell?), or on the pop charts (Miley and Justin – as in Bieber)!
- Top 50 Buzzworthy Baby Names
- Popular Baby Name Trends for 2010
- Cool Celebrity Girl Names
- Cool Celebrity Boy Names
Mostly Cs: POPULAR
You have a lot of friends. You want your child to fit right in too, and having a common, popular name is a good start. Check out the annual Social Security Administration’s Most Popular Baby Names list to find a name for your little social butterfly. Boy names topping the charts last year included Jacob, Ethan, Michael and Alexander. The most popular girl names were Isabella, Emma, Olivia, Sophia and Ava.
- Popular Baby Names of the Decade
- Top American Baby Names
- Popular Baby Names by State
- Classic Baby Names
Mostly Ds: EXOTIC
You’re not ordinary, so why would you give your baby an run-of-the-mill name? Your child needs a name that is striking, unusual and completely out of the ordinary. You want to look for names from abroad and names that are colorful, striking, glamorous and maybe even a little bizarre. Jovana, Dafina and Kenyatta are exotic girl names, while exotic boy names include Aamir, Dragan and Einar.
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