Babywearing has surged in popularity in recent years. These days, there are more varieties of baby carriers, wraps and slings than you can count. Some fashion-forward moms even have slings to match every outfit. Is babywearing really all that? Or is it just a trendy fad that will die a sad, unpopular death in a few years, like oversized-shoulder pads and high-waisted mom jeans?
A Worn BAby IS a happy baby
Truth be told, there is more to babywearing than fashion. Studies have shown that babies who are held or worn the majority of the time are happier, calmer and cry less. In fact, in indigenous cultures where babywearing is the norm, babies typically cry for just a few minutes each day, as opposed to babies in the Western cultures who cry for several hours each day.
Foster a warm attachment and loving bond by wearing your baby
As many babywearing parents will attest, babywearing is part of a complete parenting philosophy known as natural family living or attachment parenting. Parents devoted to this philosophy focus on promoting communication and warm attachment between parent and child. Being physically close to baby allows parents to respond more quickly and be in tune with their baby’s needs.
Babywearing is convenient
Attachment and bonding aside, babywearing is simply a useful parenting tool. When there is more laundry than you can shake a stick at, dinner to be cooked and older toddlers who think the fish tank is a great place to store their leftover lunch, babywearing makes life that much easier. Not to mention, some carriers are positioned so mothers can also breastfeed discreetly while wearing baby.
Babywearing is safe
It is always important to find a safe place for baby, especially if you have rambunctious toddlers in the house. You will never worry when you know that your baby is nestled close to your heart. As baby gets older and becomes mobile, babywearing is even more critical when you need to do chores, but don’t want to worry about your ten month old entertaining himself by exploring your computer cords with his mouth or attempting to scale the refrigerator.
Shed those post-pregnancy pounds while wearing your baby
The life of a new mom can be downright hectic and working out does not always make the Top Ten Priorities list when dirty laundry is threatening to take over an entire wing of your home. A nice walk while snuggling close to your baby is a great way to get a little exercise and grab a moment of sanity. It turns out that babywearing may just be the most useful parenting tool around.
Interested in reading more about babywearing?
- Babywearing your preemie
- The best of babywearing
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