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5 Helpful homework websites for kids

With school underway, families are falling into the rhythm of getting homework finished and turned in on time. But when a tricky subject comes up, where do you turn for homework help for kids? These homework websites for kids will help you and your child tackle a range of assignments, from math to geography.

Remember when every home had a big multivolume encyclopedia? Those days are long gone. However, homework can be more stressful than ever these days. (Check out our tips on how to make homework time less stressful.) But with the right resources and a well-appointed homework nook, things can go a lot more smoothly.

Today, there is a whole new resource for homework help for kids and it’s right at their fingertips: the Internet. Websites can provide a wealth of knowledge and resources for completing homework.

So, what are the best homework websites for kids? The American Library Association (ALA) maintains a list of the best web site for kids. We scoured the list for five great homework websites for kids that tackle the toughest subjects and projects.

World Almanac for Kids

Like it’s adult counterpart, the World Almanac for Kids is a wealth of knowledge and factual tidbits. Kids can browse whole chapters from the Almanac online or search for exactly what they are seeking. When they are studying history, social studies and more, this is a great homework assistant for kids.

A Maths Dictionary for Kids

Integer, perimeter and tangent, oh my! The terms in math are important to know, but sometimes kids need a little something to jog their memory. A Maths Dictionary for Kids can help. It’s an interactive and comprehensive dictionary of math terms — perfect for getting homework done when mean and median are about to make their — or your! — head explode.

Science Fair Project Resource Guide

Remember when science fair meant spinning planets on an old record player? Projects today are a lot more in depth and require more research, planning and presentation skills. The Science Fair Project Resource Guide can help. It’s from the Internet Public Library and walks kids through all the steps and nuances of creating a great science fair project.

You might not immediately think of as a homework website for kids, but it provides a wealth of knowledge. Biographies cover famous folks including George Washington, Eli Whitney, Susan B. Anthony and many other important historical figures. It’s worth checking out when it’s time to brush up on history or research a certain person.

CIA World Factbook

If your child is learning about geography, world history, countries or the like, the CIA World Factbook is a great place to visit. It’s filled with reliable facts about people, government, geography, transportation and more. Plus, there are maps of world regions as well.

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