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Make your own movie night tickets

Get crafty for family movie night by making your own movie night tickets. Not only is this a fun family activity, but homemade movie tickets are a great keepsake item. From easy printable options to customized tickets, check out our DIY ideas for making your own movie night tickets.

Printable templates

Download and print our movie ticket template to make your movie night special. You can also search online for other printable movie ticket templates to invite friends and family over for movie night.

Print them on colored paper and customize them according to the movie. For instance, for a Twilight movie night, you could print them on red paper and sprinkle with glitter so they look like Edward’s “sparkling” face. A Polar Express movie night could have small bells or snowflakes glued onto them. Get your kids involved by taking them with you to the craft store to help you pick out items for the movie tickets.

Movie ticket paper options

Create your movie tickets by cutting them out of construction paper or card stock using serrated scissors for a fun edge. Type out the date, time and place on a separate piece of paper, then cut it out and glue it to your movie ticket. Decorate the ticket with movie-themed stickers, then punch a hole with a hole punch and add some decorative ribbon for a little embellishment.

Perforated business cards are another great way to make movie tickets because they are the perfect size and the perforation makes them easy to detach and use. Customize them by printing out characters from the movie to glue to the card. On the ticket, include the name of the movie, time, date and address of your house or location where you will be showing the movie. Flash cards also work well for making movie tickets, and they are usually available in a variety of fun colors.

Make movie night extra fun by having guests or family members redeem their ticket by getting it punched with a hole punch or stamped with a colorful stamp. Kids will love taking part in this fun activity!

Personalized movie tickets

Take pictures of each member of your family and print them out on card stock using a colored printer. Cut their picture out and glue it to a piece of colorful construction paper. Add their name to the movie ticket using markers or rubber stamps, then decorate it with craft supplies (stickers, gems, ribbons) and write the name, date and location of the movie.

Movie tickets in fun shapes

Another fun idea is to customize your movie tickets by cutting them into fun shapes that go along with the movie. For instance, if you are watching How to Train Your Dragon, cut the tickets into a dragon on green construction paper, and use gems for the eyes and along the back of the dragon.

For The Karate Kid, cut the tickets into the shape of a karate belt. Cut one long rectangle out of construction paper to make the waist of the karate belt and two shorter pieces to make the ties. Glue the ties onto the waist piece, then cut out a circle to form the knot of the karate belt. Glue the knot piece on top of the ties, then use a marker to write the name of the movie onto the movie ticket. Other ticket shape ideas include cars, trains, animals, food or even a magic wand for Harry Potter fans.

It’s easy to turn your movie tickets into a fun learning game. Write one word on the back of the ticket that you know will be used frequently in the movie (for instance, the word Hogwarts for Harry Potter), and have your kids count how many times that word is used in the movie. Another idea is to write a question about the movie that they will answer at the end.


Share with us your creative and fun ideas for making your own movie tickets.

Image credit: Amy Vowles

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