These two super moms look fantastic. You’d think they spend all day at the salon. What are some of their beauty secrets?
Don’t neglect your skin
“No matter how tired you are at night, don’t ever leave on your makeup,” Stephanie says. “I use Clinique moisturizer and have for the last 20 years, but it’s the only real staple in my beauty routine. I experiment with other cleansers and creams, find one that I like for a little while or just go with the cheapest. I think as long as you pick a cleanser that works for your skin type and use it regularly, you’ll be alright. But don’t forget to moisturize morning and night, especially around the eyes, and always — no matter the weather — slather on sunscreen before you leave the house.”
Find a feature you love
“I don’t wear a lot of make-up, but I do wear make-up every day,” says Marta. “I think the key to looking your best is to find a feature you love and emphasize it. If you have great eyes, you can go heavier on the eye make-up and keep everything else neutral. If you have full lips, then gloss them up and leave the rest of your face natural with just a coat of mascara on the eyes.”
“The same thing goes for your body. If you have a beautiful neck and shoulders, then wear bold necklaces or tops with unique necklines. Accentuate a thin waist with a belt. If you have killer legs, then show them off with a short skirt.”
It’s tough for many moms to find time for their husbands. Here are some tips from our super moms on how to stay connected with your spouse.
Schedule sex
“It sounds horrible, I know, but I schedule sex with my husband,” laughs Stephanie. “We have so many time commitments and he often travels for business. If we didn’t schedule sex, we’d never have it. Every month, I send him a list of my available dates and times, then we synch up and make some appointments. Of course, we still have spontaneous sex, too. But the schedule assures that we’ll have some fun, no matter how busy we are.”
Get away together
“It might seem impossible to get away with your husband, especially if you have small children, but you have to make the effort,” says Marta.”My husband and I try to get away together at least one day per month. It doesn’t even have to be for overnight — even just four hours together away from the kids and our everyday pressures gives us the couple time that we need to stay connected. I’m fortunate enough that my in-laws are available to babysit. Having a good support system really helps us get a break when we need it.”
More tips for moms
Here are a few other tips that we took away from our interviews with these super moms.
- Buy in bulk, only if you have a place to store it.
- Cook two of whatever you are making and freeze the second one for emergencies.
- Have one-on-one time with each kid so no one feels left out or unloved.
- Do a load of laundry every night to avoid it piling up.
- Write in a journal nightly. It allows you to vent and curse without any ramifications.
- Hold family meetings every week to deal with any issues or concerns.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff. Conserve your energy for things that really matter.
- Learn to say “No” — you can’t do everything for everyone.
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