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How to choose the right organizing planner

If you are one of the countless moms who have vowed to get more organized, don’t just talk — make it happen! One of the best tools in an organized mom’s arsenal is a reliable planner. But rather than grab a random planner off the shelf, take some time to find the right planner to fit your lifestyle.

Deciding to get organized is the easy part. Actually making it happen can be a little more difficult, especially with all of the options available when it comes to choosing a planner. While it may be easy to grab the first one you see, taking the time to research your options will help you succeed in your quest for order.

A hard copy planner?

Yes, even in the age of smart phones, many women are sticking to their hard copy planners. There’s just something empowering about turning the pages, writing down a commitment or drawing a happy face next to Girls Night Out. “I am a graphic designer, I have an iPhone, and I am madly in love with my iPad,” says Erin Condren, the graphic genius behind Erin Condren Designs. “I consider myself a ‘techie.’ However, when it comes to scheduling, I’m all about paper lists, color coded stickers and the gratification of crossing something off when a task is complete.”

Keep it simple

Experienced organizers can take advantage of all the bells and whistles that come with complicated planners, but if you are a rookie, why set yourself up for failure? “Whether your job is in an office, or you are a full time mom, there are just so many working parts that go into making each day a success,” says Condren. “My motto is keep is simple and carry something that doesn’t require a special training course.” Find a planner that is stylish and easy to use, like Condren’s Life Planner, and you’ll love checking off your daily to-do lists and showing up on time to appointments.

Practical Advice

Even if you find a planner that is perfect for your lifestyle, you actually have to use it to reap the benefits of being organized. Consider personalizing a planner with a family picture so that you reach for it often. “I have my family printed on the front of my planner,” says Condren. “With my hectic travel schedule, I love to glance down at my planner and feel like they are always with me.”

Keep it close when you’re out in about, so that you jot down notes and check your availability next month at a moment’s notice, and try to attach a pen or pencil if you can so that you’re not searching for one when its needed most.

Read more about getting organized

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