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British mother gives daughter, 8, Botox & virgin waxes

A British mother is under fire for giving her 8-year-old daughter extreme beauty treatments. Should this sort of thing be illegal?

You might want to sit down for this one.

A British mother regularly gives her 8-year-old daughter Botox injections and “virgin” bikini waxes to help her become a star, according to The Sun.

Where does she get the Botox? Online, of course — because there’s nothing dangerous about injecting your daughter with botulism purchased from an online source.

“What I am doing for Britney now will help her become a star,” mother Kerry Campbell, 34, said about her daughter.

“I know one day she will be a model, actress or singer, and having these treatments now will ensure she stays looking younger and baby-faced for longer,” Campbell said. “I’m sure people reading this will think I am being irresponsible, but I ensure that I test the Botox and fillers I buy online on myself first. All I want is for Britney to have the best start in life, so it is easier for her to become a superstar. More mothers should do it for their daughters.”

No. Mothers who inject their tween daughters with Botox should be put in prison.

“In the past 12 months, she has had different parts of her face and lips injected four times. I make her frown before injecting, which helps identify a potential wrinkle. This means we can get it before it even develops,” Campbell said of their Botox routine. “I give her between 1 and 2ml of a saline and Botox solution per session.”

Now, the family lives in San Francisco — and Campbell recently added another beauty treatment to her daughter’s routine: virgin waxes.

“[Britney] also has her virgin wax monthly, which gets rid of her fluffy leg hair and makes sure she won’t develop pubic hair in the future,” Campbell said. “It will save her a fortune in waxing when she’s older.”

And what does poor little Britney think about all of this?

“My friends think it’s cool I have all the treatments, and they want to be like me. I check every night for wrinkles. When I see some, I want more injections,” she said. “They used to hurt, but now I don’t cry that much. I also want boob and nose jobs soon, so that I can be a star.”

Is this true? Well, it is The Sun — but things like this are happening in today’s Toddlers and Tiaras world.

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