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Meet blogging mama Heather Spohr

You’ve been blogging since 2002. How has the blogosphere changed in the last 9 years?

I feel like people care much more about the material things — the free stuff, the trips, the awards. When I started blogging, I didn’t have comments or ads. I just blogged to tell my stories. The other stuff is nice, but if you don’t like telling stories, I don’t really see the point in blogging at all.

What do you love most about blogging?

The most rewarding part of my blog is knowing that I am reaching people. When I write something that resonates with readers, be it something embarrassing that happened to me or dealing with my kids or grief, I feel a sense of accomplishment that I never had at a “traditional” job.

Is there anything you dislike about blogging?

I think there is sometimes silly jealousy toward the success of others, which I don’t understand. One woman’s success means we ALL succeed.

Can you tell me a little more about your experience as a professional toilet breaker?

Well, it’s a gift. I have broken seats, clogged pipes and broken handles off of numerous public and private toilets. It’s a lot easier than you’d think to break a toilet. You just have to really put your mind to it.

You are a panelist at Momversation, weighing in on all kinds of fascinating topics. What has been the most controversial topic you’ve discussed and/or the subject that was the most difficult to decide how you felt about it?

I love being a part of Momversation — we talk about a vast array of subjects that always keep me on my toes. I think the most controversial topic I participated in was about vaccines and autism. The viewers were VERY vocal and opinionated about the topic. Playing moderator was difficult, but proved extremely rewarding when the majority of people were able to keep the discussion civil.

What is your greatest dream? For yourself, your family, the world?

For myself — to find the balance I need to be a successful blogger, parent and wife.

For my family — to be as happy as possible.

For the world — peace, love and an apple pie for everyone.

  About Tough Love

We’re taking your parenting questions and asking for advice from some of the web’s most popular mom bloggers. These thoughtful moms are not afraid to tell you exactly what they think. The result? Tough Love.

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