Blogs are so 2010 for expectant moms. At least, they were for one couple, who created a Facebook account for their unborn baby. Texas parents-to-be Matt and Ellie Greene weren’t certain how to announce their pregnancy, so they decided on Facebook. They created a Facebook account for Marriah Green, but now it appears that Facebook has taken the profile down.
While most expectant moms who wish to keep their friends and family up-do-date with their pregnancy online create a blog, Matt and Ellie Greene of Whitehouse, Texas, created a new Facebook profile… for the baby on the way.
Marriah Greene, who is due to enter this world on June 9th, is pretty popular — and she’s still growing inside her mom’s belly! Before her profile was taken down, she had 268 friends, according to ABC, and another 350 friend requests.
Is Facebook for everyone?
I’m truly surprised nobody has thought of doing this before. Or perhaps they have, but it didn’t make the news.
When explaining why they created a Facebook profile for unborn baby Marriah, Matt Greene explained to ABC, “We weren’t sure how to tell all our friends the baby was coming. We’d held off on telling people — we wanted to make sure everything was fine with the pregnancy. We thought the quickest way to tell everyone would be to use Facebook.”
Doesn’t that usually involve a status update on the expectant parents’ pages? Or an ultrasound picture? Apparently not for the Greenes. They created the Facebook profile for Marriah Green, and made it cute –using an ultrasound as her profile picture, updating her education with “Studied Labor and Delivery at Tummy University,” and listing her favorite sport: “Swimming, swimming, just keep swimming.”
…and now it’s gone
The Blaze reports that the Facebook profile was taken down, presumably by the Facebook itself because of the social network’s rules prohibiting anyone under 13 years old from creating a profile. Facebook’s Privacy Policy includes a very clear statement on children under 13:
No information from children under age 13. If you are under age 13, please do not attempt to register for Facebook or provide any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we might have any information from a child under age 13, please contact us through this help page.
Well, Marriah is under 13. Matt and Ellie Green could have avoided losing Marriah’s profile by creating a Facebook page, but then, of course, their information would have been public.
>> Should you reserve your baby’s facebook or domain name? If you do the former, don’t get caught!
I’m not going to lie — I’m surprised this story made the news. It is circulating among some major networks and papers, but I’m not entirely certain why. It’s 2011 – everything happens on Facebook! It’s not a stretch for a yet-to-be born baby to have a Facebook page. Or is it?
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