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6 Simple organization tips for kids’ rooms

Are kids’ rooms ever really organized? Sure, you can throw toys into bins and hide them for a few hours, but in no time, they’ll be back on the floor. Actually, they can be organized, and pretty easily. Here are a few super-simple organization tips that will have your child’s room picked up and orderly in no time.

Keep it under the bed.

Yeah, we know: Your mom always said that keeping things under the bed is messy. With storage bins specifically designed for the purpose, though, you can keep it orderly. Hide your child’s toys and books in a plastic bin under the bed, hidden by a bed skirt. Toys are still easily accessible by your children but are easy to put away when the time comes to clean up. Having storage low to the ground and within reach encourages your child to put his things away.

Try cascading hangers.

Just like you, your kids probably have their favorite things to wear. Those items always seem to make it to the front of the closet, so what do you do with the nicer, special-occasion items that are only worn once a year? Make space in closets with cascading hangers. They come in two forms: ones with multiple hangers and ones with multiple notches on which to hang hangers. This way, you can store several items of clothing in one narrow spot, making room for other things in your child’s closet.

Incentivize helpfulness.

Rewarding your children for cleaning up their own rooms is a great way to encourage clean behavior in the future. Plus, it takes the organizational burden off of you.

Box it up.

If your child has a shelf or bookcase in her room, mask messes with graphic boxes. They’re a playful, colorful way to pretty up a room, and they can hide art supplies, toys and other small items that otherwise contribute to clutter.

Donate what you don’t need.

Get rid of all those leftover Happy Meal toys and outgrown clothes. Do a little spring cleaning during any season, clean out the clutter and make room for what’s necessary.

Label for easy access.

Label everything you box up so you can find it later with ease.


How to organize your child’s closet

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10 Bedroom themes for boys
10 Girls’ bedroom themes

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