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Can you really lose weight eating baby food?

Whether you’re wondering how to lose weight postpartum or are looking for the latest diet trend to hit the celebrity circuit, The Baby Food Diet is making headlines. Developed by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson and based on the foods that are good for your little one, too, this pureed food plan has celebs like Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston and Madonna sing its praises. Although the diet sounds like an easy weight loss plan, can you really lose weight eating baby food?

What is The Baby Food Diet?

In general, the plan includes 14 4-ounce servings of pureed food and 1 balance adult meal once per day. Another version of the same cleanser plan is to replace snacks with these small servings of baby food, balancing with three healthy adult meals per day. Overall, the goal is to slash the number of calories you take in and boost your body’s cleansing ability with this dietary detox.

“I wanted something where you can eliminate toxicity and break bad habits but still have your digestive system going,” said Tracy Anderson in an interview with a UK magazine. But, as a postpartum mommy, is this diet right for you?

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Can I balance weight loss with nutritional needs when eating baby food?

Just like any diet plan, opting for a variety of fruits, cereals, vegetables and meats is essential for healthy results. However, The Baby Food diet is low in fiber and bad fats, but getting these missing nutritional needs for adults can be achieved when choosing the right foods for your daily meal allowance.

However, breastfeeding mothers should be weary. “Most breastfeeding moms need between 1800-2000 calories per day,” advises Cheri Wiggins, M.D., “Typically, if a mom consumes less than 1800 calories per day, she’ll see a decrease in milk production.” The Baby Food Diet may not meet your traditional needs when nursing your little one.

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How to lose weight long term with baby food

The Baby Food Diet may be more of a quick fix to weight loss than the perfect long term plan for dropping the pounds. To continue with this celebrity-boasted diet long-term, doctors suggest only employing this calorie-cutting method a few days a week to avoid yo-yo dieting.

So, can you really lose weight eating baby food? The answer is “possibly,” and only as a short term solution for many. However, don’t be surprised if you miss the satisfaction of chewing your food. reports that feelings of satisfaction and fullness are associated with chewing your food — a step missing from the pulverized food plan — so, this Tinsel Town diet may not be right for everyone. But, at the least, perhaps The Baby Food Diet can make you feel young at heart as you shed the pounds and share your little one’s cuisine!

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