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4 Tips for finding the best preschool while potty training

Preschool and potty training seem to be synonymous, but not all preschools are equal when it comes to tolerating number one and number two. From researching potty accident rules to keeping your little one home a little longer, discover four tips for finding the best preschool while potty training.

Research potty accident policies

Check with your potential preschool about potty training policies. Choosing a preschool where students need to be potty trained before they attend may mean they’ll be penalized for potty accidents, equaling suspension — and parents still owing the tuition.

“You have no control of your child’s digestive system,” advises KellyAnn Bonnell, M.A., Director of the Unitarian Universalist Early Education Cooperative Preschool. “You cannot force them to swallow food and you cannot force them become toilet trained. When you punish a child for something that is a biological process you add fear to the equation. This can lead to unhealthy behaviors in the future and delay the process of toilet training significantly.”

Your best bet is to avoid preschools where kids are punished for potty accidents if you’re not confident about your wee one’s wee abilities.

Seek referrals from other parents

Gather your own research from parents you know with kiddos in preschools in the area in which you’re looking. Word of mouth referrals are your best bet when it comes to finding the best preschool for your potty training needs.

Consider in-home preschools

For those tykes still working through the potty training process, in-home preschools often offer a lot more leniency when it comes to potty accidents. Some even offer to potty train your youngster themselves, offering experience, patience and positive peer pressure from other children that you may not be able to offer at home.

Wait to enroll your child in preschool while potty training

Is your little one having a tough time mastering potty training skills? When in doubt, keep your child home an extra half of a year. Kids can mature by leaps and bounds in six month, and chances are, potty training woes will be a thing of the past not long from now.

Ultimately, pushing your kiddo to potty train before he’s ready may make it take longer in the end. “It is important to remember that toilet training is a significant step in the development process of children,” shares world renowned expert on bed wetting, bladder control and child developmentDr. Baruch Kushnir.

“It is an opportunity to give children the basic feeling that they are loved and appreciated by their parents, even when failure or mishaps occur,” says Dr. Kushnir. “A positive process contributes to strengthening the self-image and self-confidence of the child.”

With patience, tips for finding the best preschool while potty training and a harmless potty training bribe here and there, your child is sure to conquer the potty training challenge and focus on early childhood learning opportunities in the right preschool.

Read more on preschool

Preschool drop-offs and crying
Real Mom’s Guide: Should he go to preschool?
Choosing a preschool

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