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Become friends with your child’s teacher

You and your child’s teacher must work together to ensure your child gets the best education possible, so forging a positive relationship is important. Use these tips to become friends with your child’s teacher.

Start early.

You child and her teacher have only nine months together, so don’t waste any time getting to know her. Send an email as soon as you know who your child’s teacher is for the year. Introduce yourself and your child, and let her know you’re looking forward to being an involved parent. Once school starts, stop by to let the teacher put a face to your name. If you can’t go on the first day, try to get in there during the first week or two.

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Make sure your child’s teacher knows you’re available and willing to talk. Stop in every now and then, call to check in, or send a quick email. If she knows you’re willing to chat, she may just take you up on it.

Help out.

Look for opportunities to spend time in your child’s classroom. Volunteer to help with special projects, supervise lunch or recess, or be a guardian at a dance, party or field trip. Take time to talk with your child’s teacher while you’re there.

Why do you volunteer in the classroom? >>

Set boundaries.

Having a good relationship with your child’s teacher is great, but becoming close friends isn’t always the best idea, at least while your child is still in her classroom. Be friendly, but keep it all about your child and her education. Being any friendlier may actually cause problems for your child. Her teacher may hesitate to correct or discipline her for fear of hurting your relationship. You may notice bad vibes from the moms of other students, who may see your relationship as a threat to them or their children.

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Save it for later.

Sometimes, you just click with someone, and it’s hard to let a good friendship pass you by. If that’s the situation with your child’s teacher, strive to hold off that friendship until the end of the school year. Once your child has gotten through her class, ask her to an end-of-the-year lunch or dinner to kick off your new friendship.

More tips for being involved

Parent involvement
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5 Ways to become an involved parent

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