Team up with neighbors for a kid-friendly scavenger hunt!
One activity that’s ideal for getting the neighbors and their kids together with your family is the neighborhood scavenger hunt. You’ll want to include one adult with each team since it’s an outdoor game where the teams will be moving through the neighborhood — and safety is always a priority. Decide ahead of time the area’s boundaries the players will stay within.
The list
The adults make a list of items the teams will try to get. Include things that the children have a good chance of finding. If they’re going door-to-door, some easy items to ask for are a canceled stamp, a cookie, a straw or toothpick, a rubber band and a penny with a specific date. If you’re playing in a park, look to nature for the search items: a pinecone, a worm, a bug, a white rock or a feather. Both teams will be searching for the same items off identical lists. Give each team a sturdy bag to carry their scavenger items in.
Set the rules
Set a time limit and have one player on each team be in charge of seeing that their group returns to base with their items before time expires. If you are playing in a neighborhood, divide it into territories so the teams are not going to the same homes.
Offer rewards
The winning team is the one with the most items secured within the time limit. When everyone returns home after the hunt, have them show the items and tally the numbers. Besides bragging rights, have a small reward for each child on the winning team. Then keep everyone together for post-scavenger hunt refreshments.
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