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How to make posters

Kids love to make posters for any occasion — garage sales, children’s parties, fundraisers or as decorations for their rooms. Your child can even make a collage of his favorite photos on a poster. Here are some quick and easy ideas for poster-making fun.

What you’ll need

Poster board or large piece of cardboard, pencil, paint, markers, glue, glitter, stickers, photos, stencils or other decorations

Step 1: Assemble materials

Purchase heavy poster board in a variety of colors from a craft or office supply store, or cut out a large piece of cardboard from a box.

Step 2: Color your poster

Choose the color of poster board you wish to use, or paint your poster a background color. Use non-toxic acrylic paints made for children. Choose a background color that will highlight the writing and decorations that you plan to place on the poster.

Step 3: Determine the layout

Before making anything permanent, choose spots for the writing and decorations or photos. You may want to measure these areas or mark them lightly with pencil.

Step 4: Write on your poster

Use stencils, or handwrite what you wish to say on the poster. Do this in pencil first and go over it in paint or marker once you have it the way you want it to look.

Step 5: Add photos

If you are including a collage of photos or a few pictures on your poster, position them before gluing or taping to make sure they are exactly where you want them.

Step 6: Decorate your poster

Now add whatever decorations you want on your poster. Drawings, stenciling, glitter borders and stickers are all fun ways to decorate a poster. Indulge your kids’ creativity and have fun.

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