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How to make family mailboxes

Making family mailboxes is a fun family activity that lets you get your craft on — and creates a new way to improve your family’s communication. Gather everything you need for this project from around the house and get to work on your new family mailboxes.

What you’ll need:

  • One shoebox or cereal box for each family member
  • Construction paper or wrapping paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Stickers
  • Crayons or markers
  • Craft paint
  • Scrap paper
  • Pens or pencils


  1. Cover the boxes with construction paper or wrapping paper, or paint with craft paint.
  2. Cut either a letter-size slot or a mailbox-style flap opening in your box.
  3. Have the kids write their names on their boxes and decorate them with markers, crayons and stickers. You do the same.
  4. Choose a spot in your home as the mail station, where you will hang the mailboxes on the wall or place them on a table top. If you’re using slim lightweight boxes, you might want to mount the mailboxes on each family member’s bedroom door. We love the look of this door-mounted mailbox made out of an iPod box.
  5. Create a letter-writing supply stash, with easily accessible scrap paper, envelopes, pencils and pens. Writing center inspiration can be found on Modern Parents, Messy Kids, Playful Learning, and Home is Where My Story Begins.
  6. Encourage your kids to write letters to other family members — for example, about things that are troubling them that might be difficult to discuss, or to share stories about their daily lives.
  7. Set the example by writing letters to your kids. Use letters to show your appreciation, ask a question, deliver a birthday card, or share a small surprise.

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