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20 Things to add to your baby registry

Our mothers got us through the first year with little more than a few bottles and a couple of blankets. Take your mom shopping now, and she’ll be amazed at the modern-day baby conveniences available. If you are pregnant, here are a few must-have items for your baby registry.

Baby tub

Babies are slippery! They wiggle a lot, and they may not like bath time at first. Register for a baby tub to make bathing safer and happier.

Baby toiletries

Babies smell questionable at times. Add baby shampoo, lotion and powder to the list so your baby smells delightful.

Baby robe

Keep your newborn warm and cozy out of the tub with a hooded robe.

Extra crib sheets

Babies do a lot of sweating, drooling and other semi-offensive things in their cribs. It’s always a good idea to have an extra set of crib sheets.

Nursing pillow

You spend a lot of time nursing at first… make it as pleasant as possible with a comfortable nursing pillow. It offers you and baby a little more support during feedings.


Take lots and lots of pictures! You are very fatigued the first few months of a baby’s life. This time becomes a complete blur if you don’t have photographic reminders.


Register for lots of books. The benefits of reading to your baby are enormous, but more than anything, this is an enjoyable way to communicate with your baby. They love the sound of your voice and reading is a treasured bonding experience.

Digital thermometer

A baby’s temperature fluctuates quite a bit in the first few months. If they are fussy, you’ll want a thermometer to determine if they are just a bit warm from teething or if they have a real fever.

Baby playstation/walker

Register for one of these when your baby is a bit older and select one with wheels (just make sure all stairs are gated off). A mobile playstation makes it possible for a baby to stay occupied and happy while you do quick chores like loading the dishwasher.

Baby swing

If you register for nothing else, register for a baby swing. They are worth their weight in gold for a fussy baby who is tired of being held and is otherwise dissatisfied with your attempts to soothe them.

Portable play yard

Maybe you are more familiar with the term play pen, but today’s play yards are a real lifesaver for a new mom. Not only do they provide a safe environment for your baby when you need to answer the door or remove a boiling pot of water from the stove, they make traveling so much easier. Play yards easily covert into a comfortable place for your baby to nap or fall asleep at night.


This may seem like a baby registry no-brainer, but it is important to select the right one. If you plan to have several babies, select a more durable brand. Outside of that, don’t get too carried away. Some strollers are extremely elaborate. All you need is a comfortable place for your baby to rest with a decent sun shade and cargo space. Remember that you will be folding and unfolding a stroller with a baby on your hip, which is why you don’t want something terribly cumbersome.

Travel tote

Designed to hang on the back of the passenger seat, a travel tote allows you to store things that will make time in the car more enjoyable. With one of these, snacks, toys and books are well within your reach.

Back-seat mirror

Car seats are safest when positioned backwards in the backseat. This mirror allows you to see if your baby is being quiet because they found week-old fries in the backseat or because they are sleeping.

Car seat neck-roll/head support

Registering for a car seat is obvious, but don’t forget accessories that will make your baby’s time in the car more comfortable. Until a baby’s neck muscles develop, they can get in some pretty awkward positions. Offering a baby neck and head support means more napping in the car!

Baby monitor

These have become pretty sophisticated pieces of technology, so you need to decide what you need from a monitor. Will you be outside doing yard work and just need to know when your baby is up from a nap, or will you be working in a home office where video of your baby might be more valuable? Either way, register for one.

More tips for new moms

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Caring for your body after baby
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