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Channeling your drama queen into…drama!

You know what we’re talking about. Your child was born to emote. You have one of those “dramatic” kids, to put it lightly. Everything is a drama, nothing is ever calm and you and your girlfriends have a regular chuckle over where this over-the-top personality might have come from. You love your child dearly, of course, but the drama is, well, something else. What’s a creative, doting mom to do? Get that child into some drama productions, of course!

It may be that your drama queen of a daughter (or drama king of a son) is destined to be a performer. It may be that the best way to channel your child’s energy is to get him or her on stage — and pronto. It may be that channeling this dramatic energy to the stage now can not only help you and your family manage this unique personality, but also give your child a direction in which to channel his or her big emotions.

Home and neighborhood “productions”

First things first. To see if this might work, try suggesting to your child that he or she and some friends put on a backyard production. If your child responds by planning, writing, directing and starring in a multi-act production in the backyard, you’ve found a winning combo. Oh, you might need to help out and help guide interactions with the neighborhood kids, but let your child take off here in as many ways as possible. Step back and watch your child shine.

Local and regional opportunities

Now that you know the performing bug is there, look for regional productions to try for a slightly bigger experience. There are children’s theaters in most metropolitan areas and often adult productions have a child role or two. Yes, you’ll have to be sure that the rehearsals and the like are compatible with your schedule, that you’ll have a way to get your child there…but think of it kind of like being a soccer mom, just with a bag of scripts, not cleats.

Professional acting classes

If your child becomes involved in and enjoys regional theater, you might be able to find some professional acting and movement classes to round out the experience. While you might not know where to look for these opportunities in the local phone book, the staff of the regional theater companies likely can point you in the right direction.

And beyond

Only you can say what “beyond” means for your child, but if your dramatic child is appropriately and constructively channeled by participating in drama productions, then why not see where this takes him or her? If your child were a terrific gymnast or a math wiz, you’d try to do the same, right? See what’s out there! Look for next steps give it a try!

There is drama in all our lives, some just express it more readily and, well, dramatically than others. If you have one of those dramatic kids, help him or her channel those dramatic tendencies in a theatrical way. And then perhaps make room on your mantle for a Tony.

More on your kids’ personalities

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