Halloween is right around the corner. We know you want to make it safe and fun for your kiddos and we’re here to help! Check out our last minute Halloween tips, including advice from Dr. Travis of The Doctors.
With Halloween less than a week away, we’re bringing you a few last-minute suggestions for keeping your kids safe and healthy on Halloween.
Know where the kids are on Halloween
Dr. Travis Stork, co-host of The Doctors, suggests making sure you know where your kids are on Halloween. Sounds obvious, right? But consider how important this is if you have tweens who are venturing out with their friends for some trick-or-treating fun.
If you don’t want to rely on your child answering her phone when you call, you can use an app such as the Trick or Tracker. It’s normally $4.99, but if you tune in to The Doctors on Friday, Oct. 28, you can snag it for free. It allows you to know exactly where your child is in real time — without having to call.
Be candy conscious
First of all, before you panic over the oodles of unhealthy candy your child will likely consume on Halloween, Dr. Travis notes, “Remember, Halloween is only one night a year!” With that in mind, you can hand out healthier Halloween candy at your house — or just use this advice for the rest of the year.
“There are healthier options you can give your kids,” says Dr. Travis. “It doesn’t necessarily make them healthy, but the key word is healthier.” Not all candy is created equal — some is less junky than others! For example, Dr. Travis points out that the Paul Newman brand of peanut butter cups have basic ingredients versus the fillers that are often found in other candy. Additionally, you can give our kids Z Bars in place of candy bars.
If you really want to go all out, try to transition your kiddos from milk chocolate to dark chocolate. “It has more cocoa, so there is less added sugar,” Dr. Travis explains. “Plus, antioxidants have health benefits!”
Try these creative ways to cut down on Halloween candy consumption >>
Costume safety
Dr. Travis also notes that you need to take care with your kids’ Halloween costumes. “Make sure your kids are wearing costumes that are visible in the dark,” he says. “Also, double check that they won’t trip.” Costumes that drag on the ground are a hazard!
Check out our ultimate Halloween costume guide >>
This year, Fed Ex and Safe Kids teamed up to help parents make Halloween a safe occasion for their kids. Safe Kids notes that children are twice as likely to be killed on Halloween by vehicles than on any other day. That’s a statistic we must take seriously. To make your children more visible, Safe Kids offers the following tips:
- Use reflective tape to decorate your child’s costume or Halloween candy bag to increase visibility to motorists
- Have your child carry a glow stick or flash light
- Use face paint instead of a mask so your child’s vision isn’t obstructed
Remember, safety always comes first, even if that means you have to listen to sighs of, “But Mooommm!” And don’t forget to tune in to The Doctors on Friday if you’d like to try the Trick or Tracker app for free!
More on Halloween safety and fun
5 Fun Halloween activities for the whole family
Pumpkin carving templates
Halloween safety tips for parents
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