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Most controversial mom blogs

No topic is too hot to handle for these five mom bloggers. They aren’t afraid to keep it real and speak their minds. Often, they write what you’re probably already thinking.

Scary Mommy

Why we love this blog: Many moms are sure to catch a glimpse of themselves in Jill’s honesty and bold tales of her life as a Scary Mommy.

Jill Smokler is the Scary Mommy to three kids and wife to a husband she claims drives her f***in’ crazy. Her blog was meant to be a baby book for her children, but through her captivating stories and sharp tongue, it turned into a whole other animal, with an enormous readership. Her harsh perspective on motherhood might be scary to some moms, but it is all-too-familiar to others.

Jill’s posts are a juicy blend of hilarious and controversial. From her own hysterical made-up greeting card designs for a new mom friend to using her kids’ Halloween treats to make candy-flavored vodka, laughter wins almost every time. Her Scary Mommy Confessional hosts anonymous postings that can be incredibly raw and hard to read, but she reminds most moms that they are all a little bit scary sometimes, too.

Free-Range Kids

Why we love this blog: Every post will make you think and consider your own stance on many issues about which you might have previously thought differently.

Voicing the wildly popular yet controversial Free Range Kids is Lenore Skenazy, given the title of America’s Worst Mom when she let her 9-year-old ride the subway alone. Her story made national headlines and led her to begin blogging to teach and encourage other parents to stand up for their rights to raise self-reliant children.

Lenore leans toward common sense parenting in an overprotective, worried world of parents. Her blog is a vast resource of the latest news and outrage, longing to remind parents that their children are safer and more competent than our culture gives them credit for.


Why we love this blog: Elita is smart and informed and always offers great insight in her responses about the latest breastfeeding controversies.

Out of her passion for breastfeeding and a fervent search for answers to her own questions, Elita Kalma, mom to a little boy and new baby girl, created the appropriately-named blog Blacktating.

Elita writes about all topics of breastfeeding, including the rather interesting recent discussion about drinking another woman’s breast milk. She features beautiful, revealing photos of women breastfeeding in public and is not afraid to call out commenters on other blogs, challenging their opinions against breastfeeding. Elita also has also been known to blow the whistle on the companies who don’t following the WHO code.

PhD in Parenting

Why we love this blog: While Annie can definitely press some buttons, she also offers valuable information and facts that many new moms might not hear about in the mainstream world.

Annie is the force behind PhD in Parenting and is only controversial in the way that many of her posts are calls to action against mainstream views. She practices attachment parenting with her two young children and aspires to create awareness and be an advocate for change.

Annie believes deeply that parenting is both an art and a science, and is also known to point fingers at the government, big corporations and the media. She sounds the alarm on many hot issues that will make parents stop and think, including the latest ad campaign against co-sleeping and why parents should boycott Nestle.

The Feminist Breeder

Why we love this blog: We have admiration for the Feminist Breeder’s strong, positive voice as a women’s rights advocate and activist in the mom blog arena.

Gina Crosley-Corcoran writes about feminism, maternal health and mothering her three kids at The Feminist Breeder. The idea for her blog was sparked out of her desire to find more like-minded feminists who were also moms.

Moms flock to The Feminist Breeder blog for her views on natural birth, choices in healthcare and creating future feminists. Gina’s posts can take a controversial turn from time to time, including her decision to raise her two boys and baby girl with a gender-neutral parenting style.

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