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Write a letter to Santa with your child

If your kids know what they want for Christmas, it’s time — and fun — to help them write the traditional “Dear Santa” letter.

Christmas is a busy time for Santa, but he always takes time out from helping the elves and getting his sleigh ready to read children’s letters. If your kids want to send him a few hints to help him choose presents they want, help them write him a letter. It’s a fun family tradition to share.

Ready, set, write

Pick a time for the writing, and provide paper, pens, colored markers or crayons, envelopes and stamps. Set the mood with Christmas music.

Begin with a greeting and have the children identify themselves. Sure, Santa knows each child, but explain to your kids that it’s a courtesy that helps him avoid mixups. Kids should ask how he’s doing and tell him about their year — something fun that happened, or milestones such as starting school or welcoming a new sibling.

As for gift lists, limit your child to a certain number of items — such as “no more than three” — and remind her that Santa brings toys to children worldwide and can’t always give us everything for which we ask. Young children can cut out pictures of toys they’d like. The child might also tell Santa what to bring someone else: a neighbor who needs a warm coat or a sister who wants a doll. Let the child enclose a photo or special drawing with the letter, if she’d like.


End by thanking Santa for bringing toys every year. Help the child sign the letter and address, seal and stamp the envelope.

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