Actress Selma Blair loves all things about being a mom to son Arthur… except for the postpartum hair loss. Selma is not alone in experiencing hair loss after pregnancy. Find out what causes hair to thin or fall out after baby is born.
Selma Blair has opened up about a common new mom symptom that not many people are talking about -– hair loss after pregnancy.
“It just started falling out at the three-month mark. I’m not a girl who likes extensions, so Selma’s going to be bald!” joked 39-year-old Blair, who gave birth to son Arthur Saint four months ago.
“This is so not glamorous, but it’s true: I need to take longer showers so that I can collect the hair that falls out and throw it away so I don’t clog the drain. Why do actresses never talk about that?” she said.
What causes hair loss after pregnancy?
Blair is not alone in experiencing postpartum hair loss. In fact, the American Pregnancy Association says that between 40 percent and 50 percent of women will experience hair loss after pregnancy.
Most women will find they start losing hair three to four months after baby is born, as Blair experienced. Why does this happen? Our hair has a normal growing phase in which some of your hair is in a growing phase and another portion is in a resting or shedding phase. Every two to three months, the resting hair should fall out. However, pregnancy hormones can stop your hair from going through its normal shedding phase. This is why many women find their hair is thicker and has more volume during pregnancy.
After baby is born, your hormone levels return to normal and the hair falls out at its normal rate. The hair that should have shed during pregnancy may also fall out at this time, which results in hair thinning or bald spots.
The good news is that this hair loss is temporary and it most women find their hair returns to normal within six to twelve months.
What can you do?
As stated before, your hair should return to normal in six to twelve months, but talk to your doctor about your symptoms so he can rule out other issues. Continue to take your prenatal vitamin so your body has all the nutrients it needs for hair growth. Wash your hair with a volumizing shampoo that contains biotin and silica, and gently brush it when it is wet.
Avoid wearing hairstyles that will pull your hair, such as tight buns, ponytails or hair weaves and avoid using hair dryers or curlers on the high setting. Avoid washing your hair every day and instead use dry shampoo, which also works wonders in giving your hair added volume and fullness.
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