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2011’s Hottest new toys

From Hot Wheels tracks that stick on your wall to the newest dancing and singing Elmo, it’s likely that you have some of these hot new toys in your home that were released this past year. Check out this list of hot new toys from 2011 — maybe you’ll find a new favorite for your kids!

Hot Wheels Wall Tracks

Remember that time your kids were watching television after school and all of a sudden, they were all screaming, “I want that!” It’s pretty likely that they were checking out the commercial for the all-new Hot Wheels Wall Tracks — a fun twist on an old classic toy for 2011. Attach the tracks to your walls with easy to use Command Strips and then let those little metal cars fly! Kids of all ages will love this new toy release of 2011, although we recommend it for preschoolers and up, as toddlers prefer to just rip it off the wall. Starter sets begin around $45.

Last year’s 2010 Best Toy Awards announcements >>

Sesame Street’s Let’s Rock Elmo

Every year seems to have its own new dancing Elmo and for 2011, Sesame Street has released the Let’s Rock Elmo ($70), an Elmo that sings, dances and rocks out with the best of them! What makes this year’s Elmo the coolest yet is that he will not only dance and sing on his own, but Elmo will interact with other instruments, which you can purchase separately.

Yikes! Are parents really “taking the fun out of toys?” >>

FIJIT Friends

So hot in 2011 that they are flying off of the shelves in stores, FIJIT Friends ($70) are interactive robot-like creatures that are, as they say, “powered by friendship.” Kids can talk to them, dance with them, tell jokes, have conversations and so much more. The more you engage your FIJIT Friend, the more they will interact with you. Currently, there are four FIJIT Friends to choose from — Willa, Sage, Serafina and Logan — each with different personalities.

Don’t forget how important it is to encourage kids to use their imaginations >>

VTech InnoTab

If your kids are always stealing your iPhone to play games, you’re going to jump for joy over this new toy of 2011. The InnoTab by VTech ($130) is the ultimate solution. Little ones, ages four to nine, will finally leave your phone alone because the InnoTab will keep them so busy with books, games, interactive learning activities and more. There are even video and music players — perfect for long trips in the car or airplane travel, too.

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More on toys for kids

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Tips on picking age appropriate toys

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