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Top toy and baby-related recalls of 2011

You strive to take the best care of your little one, but are you sure that the products you are using aren’t posing a threat to your pride and joy? The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) keeps the public informed on product recalls from the baby, child and toy industry, but it’s ultimately up to you to keep your child safe.

From drop-side crib safety issues to unique trends in 2011 recalls, discover the top toy and baby-related recalls of 2011 and start the New Year on the safest foot.

Bed and drop-side crib recalls

Bunk beds seemed to take a hit last year with fall hazards making headlines, although drop-side cribs are still leading the sleep surface recall list despite extensive campaigns by the CPSC
to rid the nursery room of these old school cribs. Entrapment, suffocation, falls and strangulation hazards were an unfortunate trend when it came to bed and crib product recalls, which will hopefully wane as 2012 marches on.

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Clothing recalls

Clothing recalls seemed to show a downward trend in 2011. However, the offenders for the year are the same as in years past. A handful of infant and children’s sleepwear was recalled for not meeting flammability standards, while product recalls for children’s clothing with drawstrings made up the majority of the list where strangulation was a risk. A nominal number of clothing, shoes and slipper items were called back for choking hazards, which is an issue the CPSC has been dealing with for years.

Toy recalls

Although the overall number of toy recalls announced by the CPSC is miniscule compared to the number of non-toy child-related safety recalls, choking hazards are still running rampant in the toy industry. However, it looks like the toy industry is taking extensive efforts to weed out baby and children’s toys not meeting the lead paint standards, because safety recalls for the category were next to nothing in 2011 CSPC product recalls.

Unique CPSC product recalls

Stroller safety recalls made a mark in the baby recall arena for hazards such as brake failure, strangulation, choking, fingertip amputations and lacerations, and falls. However, it is the recall of the Summer Infant video baby monitors with cords that prompted parents to take a good luck at the safety precautions that need to be taken in every aspect of your baby’s life.

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Brushing up on the top toy and baby-related recalls of 2011 will not only keep your youngster safe, but will teach you what to avoid when buying future children’s products. Even when saving money is at the top of your New Year’s resolutions list for this year, be sure to check the CPSC‘s press releases for the latest safety recalls before accepting second hand baby gear and children’s items — it could mean the difference between a safe and a tragic New Year.

Get the scoop on other recalls

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