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Getting back into family routines after the holidays

There’s no better way to get your family off to a fresh start in the New Year (and actually stick to those New Year’s resolutions!) than by evaluating the family routines and giving them a face lift. Here’s why routines can save your life as a mom, and how you can have the best routines for your family.

There is much to be said for stellar, well thought out family routines. A good routine can bring the family closer, help everyone get through long afternoons or even foster independence and responsibility in children. Maybe you want to make your routines better, maybe you want to stick to those New Year’s resolutions or maybe you just want to implement your first ever routine — here’s how to get started!

Keep it simple

There’s no need to make some complicated plan if no one is going to stick to it. If this is your first time adding routines, chances are you are already doing a routine-like thing either in the morning or at bedtime, so simply add to those routines at first.

By starting with adding just one or two things to a new routine, you can make sure that the new habits will really stick this time around.

Be realistic

Truth be told, as important as routines are to a well-run household, they are also often forgotten or messed up regularly throughout the week. That’s ok. As long as everyone gets back on the routine wagon next time, things won’t be completely off track. Keeping your expectations low, real and flexible is a fantastic foundation for a life of routine living and can give you the freedom to have more quality time with each other.

Read how to make the most of family time >>


Always be previous

As they say in the South, be previous! What this means is to think ahead, plan for what’s coming up and get organized. Enough cannot be said for a well thought out plan. Even if it’s just the night before, figure out what you’ll be doing during the routines of the afternoon — maybe it’s a craft day or an outing day — whatever it is, plan ahead and make sure you have everything that you need. Organizing the home this way will make a world of difference in your daily life.

Read more on getting your family organized >>

Just be you

There are lots of great resources online for getting organized and planning out your routines, but be careful not to get too caught up in what everyone else is doing (a.k.a. The Joneses). You need to make your routines personal and perfectly catered to you and your family. Sticking to a schedule with times for everything may be what one family does, but that type of rigid day might never work for your family schedule. The goal is to look at what works for you and go full force into that plan.

More on having it all together at home

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