After 3 months, your baby is slowly starting to develop a unique personality and, as a mother, you’re starting to get to know your new bouncing bundle. A great way for you and your baby to bond is playtime, and after 3 months, your baby is a bit more aware of what’s going on in the world. Here are a few ways to play with your 3- to 6-month-old baby.
You may have noticed that your 3-month-old has been blowing a few saliva bubbles of his own, but the whimsical world of soap bubbles is a great way to get your child thinking about the world around him. After 4 months, your baby can grasp a toy and he can definitely reach and grab bubbles. See his eyes light up as he pops his first shiny, round ball.
Up in the air
Your child’s neck and head are starting to stabilize now. It’s time to fly! Toss your baby up in the air and catch her immediately to see her reaction. Add some silly noises into the mix, like rocket or motor sounds. Humans starve for a little adventure, and this could be your baby’s first act as a daredevil.
On the floor
As of 3 months old, your baby has likely been spending a lot of time on the floor, learning to deal with his surroundings. Get down on his level and embrace his curiosity. If he picks up a toy, give the toys its own noises. Babies can begin to crawl as early as 6 months. If he sets off to explore, be right there with him to witness his ever-expanding sense of imagination and wonder.
Sensory experiences
What a way to learn! Your baby has five senses to get used to. Embrace those senses with her. Bring your baby an extra soft blanket to feel or show her the plastic feel of poppable packing bubbles. Take her to the spice rack and, allergies permitting, let her smell her way through. Let her listen to your pet’s barks and meows. Any time your child has a sensory experience, she’s learning something that’s new and fundamental.
Fun danger
By now, your baby has developed a sense of danger. Help him realize this in a fun way. A cute game of “I’ll get you!” can help your baby learn his fight or flight response. But odds are, your child will simply smile and hide, as long as you have a sweet, well-intentioned smile on your face.
More on your baby’s development
A mom’s favorite toys for babies
Play developmental games with your baby
Baby playtime pointers for newborns
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