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Simple Valentine’s Day crafts your kids will totally want to get in on

Folded heart Valentine’s Day mouse

Whether you keep as a decoration or give as a sweet Valentine’s Day momento, your child will adore crafting a heart-shaped mouse.


  • Red card stock paper
  • Pink card stock or construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Red pipe cleaner
  • White glue
  • Wiggle eye
  • Black marker


  1. First, fold your red card stock in half. Starting at the folded line and cutting towards the open side, help your youngster cut out a half of a heart shape that will open up to a full-sized heart. There’s no right or wrong size when it comes to this craft for kids, so long as it makes a general heart shape.
  2. Using the scraps from the red card stock paper, cut out a smaller heart using the same technique to form the ear for the Valentine’s Day craft mouse. Repeat with pink card stock, creating a slightly smaller heart to fit inside the small heart and glue the 2 hearts together.
  3. Next, fold the large heart in half again and adhere a half of a length of red pipe cleaner to the inside of the heart to form a tail. At this point you’ll also want to glue the heart shape in half permanently.
  4. Now, glue the heart ear and a wiggle eye to the pointy side of the half-heart shape.
  5. Finally, use the black marker to draw on a little mouse nose and whiskers to the pointy side of the half-heart shape and your Valentine’s Day craft for kids is ready for love!

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