You don’t have to be a writer to write the story of the day your child entered the world. Follow these prompts to remember your special day and document it forever.
My baby is here! Now what?
The day you birthed your baby is playing on repeat in your head. The rush of adrenalin and emotions you’ve experienced during labor, birth and the first time you held your child are so powerful that you simply have to get it on paper. Guess what? You’re not alone. More and more women (and men) are turning to their computer, blog, a community website or a piece of paper and a pencil to tell the story of the day their child entered the world.
When to write a birth story
It’s best to write your birth story while the emotions are still fresh — as that is the time when you’ll capture most of the true feelings in your words. If you’re sleep deprived, unfocused or would rather take every moment to snuggle your baby, keep a notepad by your bed and write down little notes as you think of them. You can always go back to writing your birth story — your baby won’t be a newborn forever.
How to write a birth story
Brainstorm descriptive words that explain your labor and delivery experience. Include your husband in the process, as he might remember specific moments that you might not.
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Keep it light, focus on the positives
Know that one day your child may read this precious story. Keep that in mind when you are writing your innermost feelings about how the birth played out. Maybe you ended up with an emergency C-section after months of envisioning a natural, drug-free childbirth. That’s okay. The most important outcome is your healthy baby — no matter how he or she entered the world. If you feel any doubt, anger or sadness because of how the birth went, talk to your doctor, friends or find online support communities that can help you work through your feelings. You can even write about your experience and emotions, but it might be best to keep it separate from the actual birth story.
More about birth
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