Stephanie, mom of three from Scottsdale, Arizona, writes for Real Mom’s Guide.
“I was 35 at the time I got my tattoo and am 42 now. Basically, my kids were 2, 5 and 6, and my aunt came to visit me. We were living in Pennsylvania at the time. I asked her what she wanted to do while she was visiting. She jokingly said, ‘Let’s get tattoos!’ I called her bluff and we went that day to a tattoo parlor. I had never even really thought about getting a tattoo, or thought about what kind of design to get. My husband was at a ball game, and I gave him a courtesy call to tell him I was at the tattoo parlor. He asked, ‘Where are the kids?’ I said they were with me! I wasn’t calling him to get permission because it’s my body and I can do what I wanted, I just figured I needed to prepare him. My kids still remember it, well, the older ones do. I love my tattoo still because it’s an Irish Claddaugh and part of my heritage, and I’ve got a fun story to go along with it. Also, I didn’t get it when I was way young or drunk, even though I didn’t put my thought into it before getting it!”
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