There’s one rule every blogger knows: Once you hit publish, it’s out there. Do you still keep on blogging, even when life is tough?
Don’t put down the keyboard
Blogging is a very personal thing to do. I know I’ve said this before in my column here, but it’s true, my biggest advice to a blogger starting out is to decide what it is you want to share on your blog. I know bloggers who choose to share everything and anything about their life (and all in between). I know bloggers who keep much of their personal life private, safe and secure on their blogs. And then you have someone like me (and there’s lots of us out there), who chooses to share bits and pieces of my life, without giving it all away.
But what do you do when you’re going through a difficult time in your life?
Do you blog about it?
Read more about: Starting a mom blog >>
Why I blogged something very personal
I can’t answer this question for everyone, but I want to share a personal story with you.
On Jan. 29, we discovered that my husband had a tumor the size of a tennis ball in his abdomen. He had it removed the next day through emergency surgery, and we had to wait a long and grueling eight days for the pathology report. Those eight days were a living nightmare. Pure and simple, a living nightmare. I cried every single day. I didn’t just cry, I should be more clear, I sobbed. I was terrified. I was scared. I was feeling every emotion known to man, but still, I was trying to hold it together for my husband, my four sons and my family.
In all honesty, the only place I felt safe to share everything with what was going on was on my blog, which was new territory for me. It was the saving grace I needed. I was raw, real and candid with my video postings and my blog postings on and even after we found out Matt was diagnosed with a GIST tumor (and needs to go on a chemo pill for three years), I continued to blog about this journey.
Why I feel blogging during difficult times is a good thing to do:
Lifted spirits
Don’t be afraid to share pieces of your life when the going gets tough, it was the best thing I could ever have done.
More on blogging
The many benefits of starting a blog
The hidden dangers of blogging
What you should and shouldn’t share on your blog
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