If there’s one thing that comes standard with motherhood, it’s guilt. Working moms often experience this to a different degree, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Here’s how to get rid of working-mom guilt forever. That’s right — we said forever.
There are many times in your child’s life that you just can’t miss. And while you can’t necessarily plan for each and every one of those moments, you can arrange to be there for most of the major milestones.
Be there when it matters most
Have a heart-to-heart conversation with your boss about this so you won’t feel guilty if you have to cut out of work early every now and then for an important family moment. If your current boss isn’t empathetic to your family commitment, maybe it’s time to find one who is.
How to talk to your boss about a flexible work schedule >>
Don’t bring work home with you
When you have that quality time with your child, don’t let anything (especially work) interrupt it. Put your phone on vibrate, ignore those emails and just revel in that irreplaceable one-on-one time with your child.
Think positive
Give yourself a break
stress-busting techniques
Read more on handling stress >>
Ask for Help
The belief that you have to do it all can mentally wear you down. Let go of those guilt-fostering expectations and delegate! Chat with your husband about balancing the family responsibilities, ask a friend or family member to lend a hand every now and then or check in with other working moms to see how you can help each other out.
More on advice for moms
Mother’s guilt: When you want to return to work
?Balancing work and motherhood
?Four stress-less tips for working moms
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